Focus on prevention for staff, clients, and their pets By now we are all aware of the impact the coronavirus is having as it spreads in our community and beyond. Animal Ophthalmology Clinic is committed to providing continued care for
Cornea with Chronic Superficial Keratitis in Dog
Case Study: CORNEA WITH CHRONIC SUPERFICIAL KERATITIS Above: Appears to be an Immune Mediated Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea requiring topical steroids to keep it controlled. Unilateral in this dog (a greyhound) but usually a bilateral disease of German shepherds. This
Uveodermatologic Syndrome in Dog
Case Study: UVEODERMATOLOGIC SYNDROME IN 2-YEAR OLD AKITA History Name: “Sheila” Sex: Spayed female Color: Black and white Weight: 91 lbs. (41.4 kg) At nine months of age, Sheila’s black pigmentation began fading to the point she appears now appears
CSK & Plasmoma of Third Eyelid in Dog
Above: In this German Shepherd the disease of the cornea was just starting, but the third eyelids were heavily infiltrated with plasma cells (a type of B-cell). Doctors on the Case Robert J. Munger, DVM, DACVO Annajane B, Marlar, DVM,
Dog Cataract Example
“Cataract, You and Your Pet” is a video primer for pet owners considering cataract surgery for their dog or cat. Produced by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists this video explores causes and treatments. Case Study: CATARACT example Above: Dr.
What Is KCS or Dry Eye?
We are frequently asked the following questions regarding dry eye in animals. The answers are intended as general responses to increase your understanding. Please feel free to ask any additional questions you may have. Adobe Acrobat PDF View: download KCS/Dry
What Are Cataracts?
We are frequently asked the following questions regarding cataracts in animals. The answers are intended as general responses to increase your understanding. Please feel free to ask any additional questions you may have. Adobe Acrobat PDF View/download Cataract handout WHAT
Glaucoma: New Insights into an Old Problem
We are frequently asked the following questions regarding glaucoma in animals. The answers are intended as general responses to increase your understanding. Please feel free to ask any additional questions you may have. View/download Glaucoma handout INTRODUCTION If you ask any ophthalmologist
ACVO Service Dog Event

National Service Animal Eye Exam runs during the month of May annually. Registration is open April 1-30th annually. How to register for the event: To qualify, Service and Working Animals must be “active working animals” that have been trained through