To provide the finest veterinary ophthalmology services in the world to our clients, their pets, and our referring veterinarians.
The Animal Ophthalmology Clinic is open normal business hours. We look forward to your visit!
To Accomplish Our Goals
At the Animal Ophthalmology Clinic, we maintain a dedicated and highly trained staff and employ state-of-the-art equipment and techniques in our treatments. We encourage veterinarians and clients to call at any time to confer regarding questions or concerns about their cases or ophthalmic care. We pledge ourselves to do all in our power to remain readily available to both clients and referring veterinarians for consultations on case management. In addition to treating ocular diseases, we work closely with breeders to identify and eliminate hereditary ocular diseases in all animals.
"To preserve the miracle of vision for our patients"
– Motto of the Animal Ophthalmology Clinic